If you want to lose weight, you need plenty of diet to make sure that you're burning fat and building muscle. One of the best ways to do this is to join a gym. Gyms come in all shapes and sizes, and there may be a number of gyms in your area. Joining a gym can be expensive, so it is important that you careful consider all of the gyms near to your home in order to pick the very best one possible to meet you weight loss and exercise needs on a daily basis. The first things you should consider when you are looking at gyms are the trainers. If you'll be taking a class or working with a personal trainer, you'll want to be sure that you're working with someone who is experienced and will teach you the best habits possible. Unfortunately, there are no set qualifications for trainers in the United States, so you should check out gyms that do require training programs of their trainers. You should also look at the equipment available for your use and the hours the gym is open. A gym that only has one treadmill may not be the best choice, since you may find yourself standing in line for equipment during peak hours. You also may find that your exercise schedule is disrupted if the gym is open odd or short hours. It is very important to find a place that will allow you to have a great workout at a time of day that is convenient for you. Cleanliness should also be of concern. All gyms should provide a tour of their facilities at the very least, or a free trial to check out the gym's space on your own. If a gym is dirty, you could be susceptible to illnesses as they spread among members at the gym. They should provide a cleaning crew to make sure that the locker rooms are clean, as well as provide antibacterial products to wipe down the machines after workouts. Organization is important too—you don't want to be tripping over weights that are ling on the floor or feel cramped in a sweating high-volume area. Lastly, you should check out prices. Some gym memberships are by the year while others charge your credit card or send you an invoice every month. Do what works for you. You may end up spending hundreds or thousands of collars on your gym membership, so it is important to find the gym that best suits your needs. Look at the ones closest to your home, but also consider those a bit farther away if they seem better to join.
Joining the Perfect Gym
21 Ways to Make Your Diet 100% Easier
By Hallie Levine Snack Sizes, Cooking Tips, Calorie Savers 11. Count to 100 12. Look What Brown Can Do for You 13. Revisit Your Skillet 14. Have a V8 While You Cook 15. Switch to Salsa 16. Feel the Heat Craving Cut-Downs, Taste-Bud Distractions 17. Brush It Off 18. Name That Craving 19. Fill Your Glass 20. K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple, Sweetie!) 21. Distract Your Taste Buds
Small tweaks to your diet can make a huge difference -- and these 21 painless fixes will make weight loss even easier.
Diet Drinks, Scheduled Eating
We're with you: Dieting is no picnic. But here's a little secret -- it's not nearly as hard as most of us think. "A lot of women believe they need to change everything, but in reality small tweaks to your diet can make a huge difference," says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. We've got 21 absolutely painless little fixes, culled from the latest research and the country's leading weight-loss experts, to make dropping those pounds as easy as 1, 2, 3, and beyond.
1. Say So Long to Soda
Every diet soft drink consumed each day could increase your risk of being overweight by 65 percent, according to a study presented at the American Dietetic Association. Other research suggests that artificial sweeteners may actually stimulate appetite, causing you to overeat. Instead, sip plain or sparkling water with lemon added for flavor.
2. Eat Like Clockwork
Women who eat erratically consume more calories and burn them less quickly than those who have six regular small meals each day, according to a British study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Don't go more than three or four hours without eating something.
3. Become a Tea-Totaler
Green tea not only has about half the caffeine of coffee but also contains catechins, which may boost your metabolism. A recent Japanese study found that people who drank a daily 11-ounce bottle of green tea lost 5.3 pounds after three months, while those who drank regular tea lost only 2.9 pounds. If you find green tea too bitter, consider one of the new green teas flavored with fruit essences. Most have no calories and just the right kiss of sweetness, says Blatner.
Diet Plans, Supermarket Know-How
4. Dust Off the Grapefruit Diet
Eating three servings of grapefruit a day (either half of a whole one or a cup of juice) for 12 weeks could help you lose just over three pounds, according to a recent study. "It helped lower insulin levels, which can contribute to weight loss by reducing appetite and encouraging fat burning," explains study author Ken Fujioka, MD, director of nutrition and metabolic research at Scripps Clinic in Del Mar, California.
5. Pack in the Protein
A University of Washington study found that doubling up on protein could help you eat less without feeling hungry. "Protein may make your brain more sensitive to leptin, a hormone that helps you feel full," says study author Scott Weigle, MD, a professor of endocrinology at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Make sure at least a third of each meal and snack is a source of lean protein.
6. Shop Around, Literally
The center aisles of your local supermarket are loaded with highly processed, sugary, and fatty foods. "The first couple of outer aisles is where you'll find all the fresh produce, dairy, and seafood," explains Oz Garcia, PhD, a nutritionist in New York City.
7. Buy To-Go Veggies
"Most of the vegetables in your fridge should be as easy to pop into your mouth as a potato chip, which means they should be precut and prewashed," says Bethany Thayer, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. Same goes for fruit. "And keep them at eye level in your fridge, so they'll be staring you right in the face when you open the door."
8. Get Some Sleep
People who sleep seven to eight hours per night are leaner than those who get only five or six hours, according to research from Laval University in Quebec. "When you're sleep-deprived, your body produces more stress hormones, which may increase your appetite," explains Michael Breus, PhD, cofounder of Sound Sleep Solutions in Atlanta. Having trouble nodding off? Consider hitting the treadmill before, not after, work: One study done at Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center found that women who exercised in the a.m. fell asleep faster at night than those who did a p.m. workout.
9. Shop from a List
"Never go to the grocery store without a master list, which provides insurance against impulse buys," suggests Donald Hensrud, MD, an obesity specialist at the Mayo Clinic. And never, ever shop when you're hungry.
10. Stock Up on Frozen Shrimp
"I always have a bag or two in my freezer," says Ellie Krieger, RD, a New York City nutritionist and author of Small Changes, Big Results (Clarkson Potter, 2005). "I add them to stir-fries and pasta or sometimes just serve them with cocktail sauce as a snack." Bonus: At 84 calories per three-ounce serving, shrimp has about a third the calories of chicken and about half that of sirloin. Food snobs, take note: Frozen shrimp is often fresher than "fresh" because it's frozen just after it's caught.
These days, everything from potato chips to yogurt to ice cream is being rolled out in 100-calorie snack sizes. "You may have to pay more than if you bought an economy size bag, but the smaller portions mean you'll end up eating less," says Barbara Rolls, PhD, a professor of nutritional sciences at Pennsylvania State University.
"Instead of refined and processed white foods, aim to have whole-grain starches such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat breads and bran cereals," says Blatner. For the most part, the browner the food, the higher the fiber, which spells w-e-i-g-h-t l-o-s-s. According to a 2005 research review, increasing consumption of dietary fiber is critical to losing weight, because it helps you feel fuller and decreases absorption of calories from other food sources. Some easy adds: Sprinkle two tablespoons of a high-fiber cereal such as Kellogg's All-Bran Bran Buds into your yogurt (5 grams); substitute whole-grain bread for white in your turkey sandwich (2 grams), and throw a half cup of white beans on top of your salad (6 grams).
Successful dieters eat out fewer than two and a half meals per week on average, according to the National Weight Control Registry. If you're strapped for time, simply nuke a frozen dinner. A recent University of Illinois study found that dieters who followed a meal program that included two frozen entrees a day lost more weight than those who followed the USDA Food Guide pyramid. "Frozen dinners serve as a form of portion control, so you don't overeat," explains Dr. Hensrud. Look for entrees with fewer than 400 calories each: Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers, and Uncle Ben's Rice Bowls are all good choices.
"I've had clients come in complaining that they can't lose weight, but then I find out that they're taking in hundreds of calories while preparing dinner," says Blatner. "Every little 'taste' counts!" Her tip? Sip a Low Sodium V8 juice. "It's only 50 calories per serving, but it will keep you feeling satisfied and stave off hunger pains so you're less inclined to snack," she explains. (The new Calcium Enriched V8 makes it easier to protect your bones, but that's another story!) Hate V8? Chew gum to keep your mouth occupied.
"I have clients spoon it on everything -- baked potatoes, veggies, even chicken or salmon," says Thayer. "It's a serving of veggies that gives otherwise bland diet staples a little flavor and zest." The calorie savings are worth it: Two tablespoons of salsa instead of sour cream on a baked potato, for example, saves 42 calories and five fat grams.
"When food is warm, its molecules move around faster, which means it will have a stronger smell," explains Alan Hirsch, MD, director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago. The result: The aroma affects the satiety center in your brain, leading you to think that you've eaten more than you have, so you feel full faster. In addition, if your food is hot, you'll be forced to eat it more slowly, which will give your stomach time to signal to your brain that it's full.
Brush your teeth or rinse your mouth right after you have a meal or a snack to quell the urge to keep nibbling. "It's both a physical and a psychological signal to your body that you're done eating," says Blatner.
"One reason women overeat is that they don't hit their food craving right on the head -- they keep bingeing until they're finally satisfied," explains Blatner. Ask yourself what you really want: Salty? Sweet? Smooth? Crunchy? "Food cravings can be broken down into four categories," says Blatner. "If you are craving sweet and crunchy, try a mini bag of popcorn mixed with a little bit of artificial sweetener or even sugar. If you want sweet and creamy, opt for a light vanilla yogurt. If you're thinking about something salty and smooth, try a couple of pieces of low-fat string cheese; if you really want salty and crunchy, try a handful of dry-roasted nuts or soy nuts."
Optimists are more likely to eat fiber-rich foods such as fresh veggies, salad, and fruit, and less likely to be overweight, according to a Finnish study published in the journal Appetite. "Eating right and exercising seems to be second nature for them," explains Bruce Rabin, MD, PhD, medical director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Healthy Lifestyle Program. Happily, it is possible to shake away your pessimism. "The next time a negative thought pops into your head, force yourself to come up with something positive to replace it," says Dr. Rabin. If you practice this often enough, it will eventually become an automatic response.
People who eat a variety of foods, even low-fat ones, are more likely to have trouble keeping weight off than those who rely on a few diet staples, according to a National Weight Control Registry study published last May. "When people have a wide range of foods in front of them, they generally eat more," explains study author Holly Raynor, PhD, RD, an assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown Medical School/the Miriam Hospital. The study showed that the most successful weight losers consistently consume just three to five staples from each food group, switching them around occasionally to prevent boredom.
Visions of Godiva flooding your head? Before you rush out to buy a box, try deflecting your attention. New research from Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, has found that the more vivid your mental image of a particular food, the more likely you are to crave it. But there's plenty you can do to tone down those visual cues. Researchers found that randomly flicking through images on a computer screen or, to a lesser extent, listening to a speech in a foreign language, was enough to distract students from their food cravings. Anything that engages both your eyes and your mind -- like playing Sudoku -- should help, say researchers.
Four Secrets to Weight Loss
If you are battling with excess weight, than you probably know that losing the pounds can be both difficult and frustrating. However, there are five secrets that many people never know that can make weight loss a lot easier. Losing weight will never be easy, but if you work hard at it, you can reach your target weight over the next few years. The first secret to weight loss is to talk to your doctor. This might not be a secret per se, but it is something that most people overlook. When you talk to your doctor he or she may be able to look at you health history and determine exactly what is causing your problem. In some causes, your medical condition goes beyond healthy eating and exercising. When you talk to your doctor, you can easily get to the bottom of the problem and learn helpful tips to losing weight. Another great secret to weight loss is to improve your posture. Ok, this may not be exactly a way to lose weight, but it certainly will make you look thinner! Good posture, whether you are standing or sitting, will add and immediately slim your body. In many cases, we stand up straight in dressing rooms when trying on clothing, but if you truly want to look like you've lost weight, good posture is crucial at all times. This can also help with the weight loss process itself because good posture when you perform exercises will lead to more effective workouts. The third secret to weight loss is to get your whole family involved. It can be very tempting to ditch the salad had have a hamburger with your husband or a taco with your wife, but if the entire family is eating healthy foods, weight loss won't seem so depressing. Keep the junk food out of the house completely, and everyone will be healthier. Lastly, one of the biggest secrets to weight loss is to think about your weight in terms of everyday life. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in the last parking spot at the mall or at work and walk to the front door. Cut out coffee and replace it with tea in the morning. Go outside to play with your children instead of staying indoors. Go out dancing instead of seeing a movie. These little things may not make a big impact on your life in general, but if you do them regularly, the burnt calories will add up and you'll start to see real results.
Weight Loss on the Go
If you're a very busy person, you might find it difficult to lose weight. However, because maintaining a healthy weight is so important, it is crucial to learn ways to fit weight loss into your lifestyle, no matter how busy you may be. If you're constantly on the god, you can use the following tips for staying in control of your weight. First, have a plan for weight loss. If you don't, you will be tempted to start your weight loss "tomorrow," and for many people, tomorrow never quite get to today. Start by setting goals that you can actually achieve with some work, but which are not to easy to complete. Talk to your doctor or a professional trainer to figure out how to meet your weight loss needs. It is also a great idea to consider your food choices on a daily basis. If you feel as though you have no time for anything more than fast food for lunch during the day, consider healthy choices, like subs instead of burgers and water instead of soda. The best choice is to bring a packed lunch every day instead. This will save you money and really doesn't take much time to prepare in the morning. Find a healthy lunchmeat and low-fat cheese combination that you love, or purchase ready-to-go salad that you can take with you to work. One relatively simple thing you can do to really cut back on calories without lots of time or effort is think about your drinks. First, cut back on all alcoholic beverages. If you like to go out to happy hour, have one drink instead of two, or switch to diet options. If you feel pressured to drink on the weekends, simply offer to be the designated driver. Alcohol isn't the only thing you should consider, however. You should also think about drinking fewer beverages with lots of sugar. Trade your coffee in the morning for green tea. Replace sodas with carbonated flavored waters. Simply cut back on your intake of beverages all together, and drink water. Doing this alone will allow you to shed pounds, especially if you usually drink a lot of non-water beverages during the day. Don't fall into the mindset that you are too busy to lose weight. Weight loss is important for absolutely everyone, including you. When you take care of your weight, you will be a healthier person in general, which leads to less down time due to illness and a longer lifespan.
Weight Loss for Kids
Weight is an issue for many adults, but did you know that children can have a problem with weight as well? When your child has a medical condition or simply does not get the appropriate foods, the result may be a weight problem. Although this is not the norm, it is becoming more and more common. If you think that your child might have a problem with weight, it is in his or her best interest to see a doctor right away to help to solve this problem. There are many reasons why a child could have problems with weight. First of all, it is possible that he or she will have a medical problem causing the weight gain or loss. Remember that low weight can be as dangerous and unhealthy as high weight. Medical problems that cause this can usually be controlled by medical treatment by a professional, but some conditions are very dangerous if to go untreated. Always have your child see a doctor for regular checkups and do not hesitate to call if you are concerned about a specific weight problem. If your child is not getting the appropriate nutrients, he or she may also have problems with weight. It is very important for your child to eat the same nutritious foods enjoyed by adults, only in smaller portions. If your child eats lots of junk foods and does not get enough good foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts, lean meat, and low-fat dairy products, being overweight may be a problem. Children can also be very picky eaters, and younger children will not understand that eating enough healthy foods is important. This can cause your child to be underweight or may stunt growth. If your child is overweight, a weight loss program is not only available, but it is crucial. Your child's doctor and a nutritionist can help with deciding a healthy plan for losing weight for your child. This can be a very sensitive issue for many children, since being overweight can lead to teasing and other problems at school. Therefore, approach your child with care and understanding. It is a good idea to promote weight loss for your entire family if a child has a weight problem. Have your family join a gym together or purchase home exercise equipment. Also learn how to cook healthy yet tasty meals and keep junk food out of the house, not only for your overweight child, but also for the entire family. This will ensure that your whole family maintains a healthy weight and promotes weight loss habits.
Reaching for the Stars—or for the Size 2 Jeans
When you're trying to lose weight, it can be frustrating to not see result or to stop seeing results. However, this happens to many people for a variety of different reasons. Losing weight is never easy; at least, it is not as easy as putting on the weight. If you truly want to see the results you wish you could have, the best way to do that is to set weight losing goals. Having goals will put you on the fast track to success with your weight loss. Before you simply set goals and start dieting and exercising, talk to your doctor or a professional trainer. These people will be able to help you set healthy goals that you'll be able to reach with a little hard work. They'll also be able to point out goals that could result in dangerous eating or exercising habits. Poor eating can easily turn into an eating disorder and unhealthy amounts of exercise can cause you body to weaken and make you prone to injury. Professionals know what they are talking about in weight loss, so trust their opinion on most matters. When setting weight loss goals, try to come up with a plan that will allow you to reach your goals, but not without effort. This requires a lot of balance and will possible require you to reset goals after a few months. If your goals are too easy, you will not be losing weight at the maximum rate or pushing yourself to try harder, which is not a good idea when it comes to weight loss, as it may cause you to give up your plan completely. If your goals are too difficult to reach, on the other hand, you may also want to give up because you become frustrating at not seeing the results you think you should be seeing. There's a fine line between pushing yourself too much and not enough. As you set goals, consider a number of things, such as how often you're able to work out, your weight now and what it would be in a perfect world, the specific parts of your body that make you most unhappy, and you physical abilities. Don't just set a number goal—work towards a number of different goals. Set goals to cover you total weight, the inches you want to lose from your waist or other areas, the pants size you'd like to be able to wear, and the health factors, like a certain cholesterol or blood pressure, that you want to achieve. Set both long term and short term goals and you'll be well on your way to losing the weight.
Psychological Preparation For Losing Weight
When a person starts new diet intent upon losing weight there are specific and important issues that must be addressed. These issues are usually swept under the rug and kept quiet about as if the dieter considers these items to be taboo or they are simply so unpleasant that they deny they even exist. Let's address facts here in that we must face up to any weight issue before we can successfully lose our extra pounds. We can not hide it nor stuff it in a closet. The challenge is there and we must face it. Naturally as Mother Nature would have it we will encounter many things that are not pleasant in our life but they are necessary. We encounter things that are not easy but as the saying goes many situations in life would not make any sense what so ever if they were simple. If the mere act of climbing Mount Everest were nothing but a simple task more people would accomplish the feat. These same situations hold true for losing weight. It isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination. It takes dedication and determination to achieve the desired weigh lose and just as much to maintain that level once it has been reached. In general, those people that are about to embark upon a weight losing diet want to be told that they will lose the extra weight and it will be done fast and without any added problems. They particularly delight in hearing how they will not have to make any personal sacrifices to achieve this goal. They want everything to be just right and simple with a magical ending. Unfortunately, this is usually not the case and the dieter will not hear what they want so badly to hear. They will however hear how they can lose the extra weight if they themselves apply what they are learning and actually put forth the necessary efforts to make it happen. There are many factors which come into play during an attempt at losing weight and these must be taken into account. A good doctor will sit the patient down and make sure there are no false hopes being generated. They will honestly discuss any possible complications that may occur as well as the attitude on the part of the dieter. The doctor should provide his patient with all the necessary information and hide nothing merely to make the person feel better. Honestly is the best policy in this case. As a dieter don't be disappointed and let down by the frank discussion with your doctor. Don't even think about going it on your own and rushing out to grab up one of the fad diets to achieve your chance of rapidly losing weight. They just do not live up to their reputations. They will tend to disappoint you even more so then the conversation with your doctor. You should beware of any diet program that promises a fast and easy way to losing weight without any effort on your part at all. What our major aim is in this article is to merely prepare you for your discussion with your doctor. Call it a physiological preparation if you please, but don't take the doctors information in a negative light. Your doctor has your best interests at heart and does not wish for you to build up false hopes that may drop you back to reality quickly and with devastating effects. Remember you can lose weight but it is not going to be easy. The ultimate achievement will be equal to the efforts that you put forth.
Pregnancy and Weight Loss, How to Lose Those Extra Pounds
Many pregnant women spend a lot of time worrying about their weight gain, and how long it will take them to loose those extra pounds after the baby is born. It's especially hard when you're trying to care for a brand new baby. Since you did not gain the weight quickly, you should not think that you will be able to lose the weight quickly. But, our society tells us otherwise. Celebrities are shown in magazines with a very slim figure just a month after giving birth to a child. The give them very positive feedback like it is something everyone wants to do. However, healthy weight loss takes time. If you lose weight too quickly, your body may not be healthy and you main gain the weight back. The best way to lose pounds is to breastfeed. Your body retains additional calories to nourish you baby after his birth, which is why you gain extra weight during pregnancy. Breastfeeding burns 200-500 extra calories a day. That is how mamma nature helps you to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy. As all mothers are not lucky enough to breastfeed their babies, there are other methods which could help you to get back in to great shape. Eating healthy is not only important for weight loss but also if you are breastfeeding. You want your baby to be getting the most nutritious meal possible. If you are not eating properly, all the nutrients from what you are eating will go into your breast milk, leaving very little vitamins for you. Try eating 4-5 smaller meals throughout the day instead of 3 larger ones, this will boost your metabolism and keep you from being hungry. It is imperative to drink a lot of water, especially if you are breastfeeding. Drink 8-10 glasses a day. This will flush the toxins from your body that are a result of the pregnancy. Water will also make you feel full so you will be inclined to eat less. It is very important to engage in activities to improve your physical fitness right after giving birth. To begin with, it doesn't interact badly with breastfeeding, like dieting can. Secondly, exercise promotes endorphins that will help assist in preventing postpartum depression, and it heightens your mood as well. Even mothers who lose the baby weight usually find that their body shape is not quite what it used to be. The muscles in your belly and thighs may appear flabby and your skin will sag from where it got stretched incredibly over the past months. Exercise will help tone these muscles and give you a firm and fit body. It is important to remember to start out very slowly with your exercise regimen. Give your body time to rest, heal, and use this time to bond with your baby. When you do start exercising, start out slow with 10 minutes of exercise, and gradually increase the time, as you feel stronger. Pregnancy has a powerful impact on your body. Don't allow your worries about your weight to cloud this precious time with your new baby. You can lose weight any time but babies aren't babies forever.
Several Tips For Keeping Your Weight Loss Off
We all realize the value of a good work out program when we are desperately trying to lose those excess pounds. We always look forward to the time when our weight has normalized and we once again regain that good feeling about ourselves that we previously had however, all this exercise is not a magic bullet towards effective weight loss as many would have you believe. Granted working out is essential for our overall fitness program but several studies seem to indicate that regimental exercise agendas may in fact cause an increase in weight rather then the expected decrease. Several studies which have been conducted appear to indicate that military members who have vigorously participated in strenuous exercises for a period of three years actually gained additional weight. You may question how this can possible be and the fact of the matter is that these fitness fanatics simply ate more then what they lost during their exercising. Few people realize that for every twenty five minutes of exercise that they do you merely burn up 100 calories. Because you exercise you do not automatically have the right to eat as much fatty foods as you may wish. In fact it is completely possible for you to cancel your hard exercising period completely by consuming a single granola bar. This may appear scary at first but if you realize the nature of weight loss you will be better prepared to reduce your food intake allowing you to lose that extra poundage by your daily jog around the neighborhood park. Now I really would not care to see everyone rush out and cancel their gym membership and merely start eating less. Your body requires a balanced combination of both in order to lose your excess weight sensibly. One compliments the other. The best policy to follow would be to obtain a good 30 minute workout while at the same time cutting back on the caloric intake by as much as you safely feel that you can. Another vital tip that you should incorporate into your exercise/food program is fiber. Fiber has been called the dieter's best friend and rightly so. Those foods which are predominantly fiber and water are what we call fillers. They are bulkier but actually contain less calorie numbers then our normal foods. As an example suppose you consume a cup of fresh strawberries. This cup of fruit may have the same calorie count as you would find in a Girl Scout cookie but the strawberries are much more filling then the small cookie. The result is that you eat far less food while gaining your desired weight loss. Another study that was conducted at the Pennsylvania State University discovered that those women who ate high fiber foods took in at least 30 percent less calories and did not feel as hungry as those who left the fiber out of their diet. The same study showed that those women who ate vast sums of fiber combined with water experienced as much as 40 per cent more weight loss then the control subjects who merely limited their portions of their usual foods. This same system can effectively work for you as well. You merely need to stock up on grains and soups. These products will make you feel more satisfied with your food while cutting back on the number of calories that you take in. The process is really rather simple. Start each of your meals with a large bowl of soup or perhaps a medium size green salad. Eat as much of the fiber foods as you care to such as roasted bell peppers with brown rice or perhaps vegetable stew. You will be amazed at the weight loss that you will experience.
Make Weight Loss Easier.
Here Are 4 Tips to Help Weight loss can be a hard goal to achieve. There is no doubt that weight loss is difficult for some people, but it is even more difficult keeping the weight off. There are lots of ways to lose weight, but not all options work for everyone. For some, dieting and exercising simply aren't enough. These people may need to think about the option of weight loss supplements and probably need to work at it a bit harder than others. Your friends are probably not always the best people to get weight loss tips from. It is possible for them to make suggestions that are harmful to your body .This isn't always true but it is important that you research weight loss yourself. The bottom line is that you're the one that needs to plan how you are going to tackle weight loss. If you have chosen the path of the conventional diet and exercise, then the tips below will help. 1. Stop Eating Junk Foods: You might as well kiss weight loss goodbye if you cannot keep yourself from consuming junk food. Foods that contain high calorie content will add to your pounds. So they need to be avoided at all costs. Always try your best to eat healthy. Keep lots of raw fruits and vegetables in your house. This will give you healthy things to snack on throughout the day. Also, cook your own meals, That way your in control of how much oil you use. The less oil you consume, the better off you are! 2. Eat Small Portions: Stop being lazy. Eating once a day is not a healthy way to lose weight. It's not a healthy way to live at all. If losing weight is your goal then eating large meals is probably not in your best interest either.. Ideally, you should eat five or six small meals each day. By eating these small portions every four or five hours, your metabolism will increase and you will be able to burn a lot of fat a lot easier. Plus your appetite will be suppressed by regularly scheduled meals, so you won't feel hungry all the time! 3. Cut Down Calories, But Don't Deprive Yourself: You will only lose weight when you eat less calories than your body burns. To ensure that you will achieve this goal, start cutting down your calorie intake by small amounts. Everyday cut a little bit more out of your diet. Calorie counting can be important, but I will write an entire article about counting calories in the future. However, use caution in the quest to cut down the calories you consume. Don't cut yourself off completely from your favorite foods, sometimes this causes people to start binge eating. At this point you will be working against yourself. 4. Exercise: Exercise is probably the best ways to lose weight. You may hate to workout. I did to. But you must do it if you really want to lose the weight. Workouts will speed up your metabolism and increase your muscles mass. Increasing your metabolic rate will help you burn more calories in less time. This will help considerably. Try to increase your physical activity as much as possible. Gradually increase your physical activity while decreasing your calories and you will see improvements overtime. If you do both of these things gradually you won't stress yourself or your body out either. Start replacing activities throughout your day with healthier activities. Walk or ride a bike instead of driving. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you stick to these adjustments for 20- 30 days, they will become a habit and will get easier and easier for you to do.
Losing Weight at the Grocery Store
Yes, your trip to the grocery store can help you lose weight.
Losing Weight at the Grocery Store,losing weight starts with your trip to the grocery store. No, I am not saying that you should turn your trip to the grocery store into a workout, although running or walking to the grocery store instead of driving a mile in each direction isn't that bad of an idea. However, that does not involve the actual shopping that you will do, so we'll file that in the "maybe" category. If you want to lose weight, then follow these steps to cut off the serpent of weight-gain's head before it can enter your house. Never shop when you are hungry. When someone is hungry, he or she is always inclined to buy more food, and not just more food, but tastier, not necessarily healthier, food, such as cupcakes and donuts. If eating is the number one thing on your mind when you take a trip to the store, you will buy too much of too poor-quality food just to satisfy a craving, and you will definitely regret this choice later. Plus, you want to be well-fed before your outing anyway, just so you feel better when you are driving and walking around. Write a concrete shopping list. If you write out a list of what you need beforehand, then you will know what you need to get without stopping to ogle those tasty, fatty treats because you aren't sure if you want them or not; you only want what you need when it comes to grocery shopping! Scenario: let's say you're walking through Aisle Four and see a box of Tastycakes. You think to yourself, "I like Tastycakes!" but you then remember that you are trying to lose weight. You take a look at your shopping list, and see that Tastycakes aren't on it, so you move on and pretend you never saw those tasty treats. With the above information already being presented, I urge you to stay away from sections of the grocery store that are known to sell unhealthy foods. Don't simply wander around: make a plan for yourself, escape route included, so that you will not be tempted to buy something that will help turn you into a blimp. Just locate what you need, don't look at any other isles, don't look at anyone handing out free samples, don't look at anyone else, grab what you need, and get out. The grocery store can be a deathtrap if you let it guide you. Try to find the most healthy foods right from the start. Stock up on vegetables, fish, meats, and milk first, and if that's all you can carry, then it looks like your shopping trip is over. As long as you have what you need, it is only beneficial that you can't carry anymore; the extra capacity might make you tempted yet again to grab those Tastycakes. If buying junk food isn't feasible, then you'll be good to go. If your shopping list doesn't call for too much, then don't grab a shopping cart. Just get a basket you can carry on your arm instead. There's nothing wrong with searching for foods that are advertised as helping you lose weight, such as Slimfast; however, you should go for more quality food, and eat less of it in each sitting. I don't recommend any weight loss pills, though, because they can be dangerous to your body. You don't want to end up as a skeleton, after all, so just be smart about it. Also, buy celery. Celery contains less calories than you burn eating it, so if celery is a major part of your diet, raw science proves that you will lose weight. Don't deny yourself an occasional treat, but don't make every trip to the grocery store into a sweet-fest. Maybe you can get a bit of junk food, such as potato chips or cookies, once every two weeks or so. Don't let yourself stock up on such foods. You want to run out of these and not have them sitting in your pantry, waiting to be eaten. Then again, you don't want to throw out any food, so buy such items sparingly. That being said, only stock up on healthy foods if you want to make your trips to the grocery store less frequent. Of course, you could also just buy only what you need for each week or two, and then replenish your stock when you absolutely have to.. As a final rule, try shopping with someone else. That way, you can have someone else, such as a good friend, family member, or shopping mentor, to tell you what you don't have to buy once you pass it. It would really help if you got a pro wrestler to shop with you who threatened to strangle you whenever you were about to make a wrong shopping choice...but as far as I know, they don't offer those types of services, so make the most with what you have. Additionally, shopping with children can be a mistake. Little children like sweets, and can be very cute, meaning that they will manipulate you into buying sweets for "them," and you will end up eating some once they are in your house.Remember, there are other advantages to watching what you buy at the grocery store. For example, if you buy only the healthy food that you need, then you won't waste money on junk food. When you think of being a smart grocery shopper, you should also think of yourself as being a smart shopper in general, and smart shoppers save money by getting only what they need. With that in mind, you have an extra impetus to buy less unhealthy food: not only are you protecting your waistline, but you have your wallet covered too!
Losing weight starts with your trip to the grocery store. No, I am not saying that you should turn your trip to the grocery store into a workout, although running or walking to the grocery store instead of driving a mile in each direction isn't that bad of an idea. However, that does not involve the actual shopping that you will do, so we'll file that in the "maybe" category. If you want to lose weight, then follow these steps to cut off the serpent of weight-gain's head before it can enter your house.
1. Never shop when you are hungry. When someone is hungry, he or she is always inclined to buy more food, and not just more food, but tastier, not necessarily healthier, food, such as cupcakes and donuts. If eating is the number one thing on your mind when you take a trip to the store, you will buy too much of too poor-quality food just to satisfy a craving, and you will definitely regret this choice later. Plus, you want to be well-fed before your outing anyway, just so you feel better when you are driving and walking around.
2. Write a concrete shopping list. If you write out a list of what you need beforehand, then you will know what you need to get without stopping to ogle those tasty, fatty treats because you aren't sure if you want them or not; you only want what you need when it comes to grocery shopping! Scenario: let's say you're walking through Aisle Four and see a box of Tastycakes. You think to yourself, "I like Tastycakes!" but you then remember that you are trying to lose weight. You take a look at your shopping list, and see that Tastycakes aren't on it, so you move on and pretend you never saw those tasty treats.
3. With the above information already being presented, I urge you to stay away from sections of the grocery store that are known to sell unhealthy foods. Don't simply wander around: make a plan for yourself, escape route included, so that you will not be tempted to buy something that will help turn you into a blimp. Just locate what you need, don't look at any other isles, don't look at anyone handing out free samples, don't look at anyone else, grab what you need, and get out. The grocery store can be a deathtrap if you let it guide you.
4. Try to find the most healthy foods right from the start. Stock up on vegetables, fish, meats, and milk first, and if that's all you can carry, then it looks like your shopping trip is over. As long as you have what you need, it is only beneficial that you can't carry anymore; the extra capacity might make you tempted yet again to grab those Tastycakes. If buying junk food isn't feasible, then you'll be good to go. If your shopping list doesn't call for too much, then don't grab a shopping cart. Just get a basket you can carry on your arm instead.
5. There's nothing wrong with searching for foods that are advertised as helping you lose weight, such as Slimfast; however, you should go for more quality food, and eat less of it in each sitting. I don't recommend any weight loss pills, though, because they can be dangerous to your body. You don't want to end up as a skeleton, after all, so just be smart about it. Also, buy celery. Celery contains less calories than you burn eating it, so if celery is a major part of your diet, raw science proves that you will lose weight.
6. Don't deny yourself an occasional treat, but don't make every trip to the grocery store into a sweet-fest. Maybe you can get a bit of junk food, such as potato chips or cookies, once every two weeks or so. Don't let yourself stock up on such foods. You want to run out of these and not have them sitting in your pantry, waiting to be eaten. Then again, you don't want to throw out any food, so buy such items sparingly. That being said, only stock up on healthy foods if you want to make your trips to the grocery store less frequent. Of course, you could also just buy only what you need for each week or two, and then replenish your stock when you absolutely have to.
7. As a final rule, try shopping with someone else. That way, you can have someone else, such as a good friend, family member, or shopping mentor, to tell you what you don't have to buy once you pass it. It would really help if you got a pro wrestler to shop with you who threatened to strangle you whenever you were about to make a wrong shopping choice...but as far as I know, they don't offer those types of services, so make the most with what you have. Additionally, shopping with children can be a mistake. Little children like sweets, and can be very cute, meaning that they will manipulate you into buying sweets for "them," and you will end up eating some once they are in your house.
Remember, there are other advantages to watching what you buy at the grocery store. For example, if you buy only the healthy food that you need, then you won't waste money on junk food. When you think of being a smart grocery shopper, you should also think of yourself as being a smart shopper in general, and smart shoppers save money by getting only what they need. With that in mind, you have an extra impetus to buy less unhealthy food: not only are you protecting your waistline, but you have your wallet covered too!
Fast Weight Loss and Fast Food
However, if you are one of those people who love your unhealthy junk food and you still wish to achieve a fast weight loss then you may be in for a surprise. As strange as it may seem it appears that you can possibly eat salads along with your junk food and still lose weight. Recent studies have shown that you can effectively offset any additional weight gained from the junk food by the eating one of your healthy salads. This may all sound like science fiction to you but it can and does work.
We are of course talking about moderation here since you would not want to suck down four or five of your McDoubles at a single sitting while eating a small cup of salad. Moderation is the key word here and should be followed carefully.
If you eat a good salad at each meal your metabolism rate tends to increase which will allow you to burn much of your extra fat off very fast. If you are wondering just how these salads fit into the scheme of the diet let me further explain.
Basically, it is a chemists dream. It all centers on the interaction between several types of chemicals. Your junk foods such as those red meats, the soft drinks, sugar loaded sweets and fattening dairy foods are all rich in acids. It is these particular acids which would tend to kill you if they were to be left ‘as is’ within your body. Fortunately for you the body try’s to bond the acids with whatever fat you have inside. In this way it neutralizes the acid and allows the fat deposits to be stored inside your body.
The green vegetables found in your salad contain a considerable amount of alkaline. If you can recall from your high school chemistry classes alkaline is the opposite of acid. As the alkaline is placed in your body it cleans out much of the toxins that are sitting there in the form of fat.
So now you may be starting to understand how you can possibly achieve fast weight loss and still consume some of your junk foods. The more of the green vegetables which you eat the faster weight loss starts to occur. The main point here is that you will want to add as much green vegetables to your diet as you can. We have shown that salads contain a considerable amount of alkaline which will neutralize the acids from your junk foods and thus preventing further weight gains from taking place. Plan all of your meals in such a manner that you include at least 70 percent of them with green vegetables or fresh fruit. By merely planning your meals in this manner you will be assured of fast weight loss.
No amount of exercise will help you success in fast weight loss if you continually stuff yourself with junk food. It is in your best interests to curve as much of it as you can. Since you are naturally a serious dieter and you will not wish to make it a habit of indulging in junk food of any sort you can readily see that if the urge is just too much for you it will be alright to occasionally visit your local McDonalds or Burger King.
Lose Weight The Right Way
It is absolutely necessary to lose weight the right way! In the United States, there are over 200 million people that are over weight and many are classified as morbidly obese d. Let's take a look at the diet pill companies who take advantage of people who struggle with weight. On the label on the back of the diet pill bottle, you will notice the words, "may" or "could". The company can legally use theses words to sell or promote their products. It doesn't mean that taking the pills alone will help you lose weight. That is why you will see the following, drink plenty of water, follow the diet plan inside and exercise. Now, turn to the food diet plans companies. You have to eat their meals daily, you have to buy directly from them and follow their diet plan. You pay $70 a week, $580 a month and $6,960.00 a year for one person. Majority of people who stop buying after they lose weight, end up gaining the weight back. Unfortunately, they gain additional weight that they didn't have before going on the diet plan. Lose weight the right way is essential for your health! Obesity is out of control in the United States and in many other countries. It has been said, "90% of the problem is food choices and the 10% is inherited!" Can you lose as much weight as you like, naturally? The answer is, "Yes, you can!" You can lose any amount of weight naturally, if you know what to eat, when to eat, and if you do the "right" exercise and drink some water. You can buy all the foods you need in a grocery store, and most everyone can do exercise. Strip that fat will help you lose weight safely and efficiently. You will change your life for the better, you will have more energy and be extremely healthy. Strip that fat caters to long term weight loss, it's easy to follow, it's easy to maintain, it's inexpensive and will help you to set goals. Strip a way the unwanted fat from your body, look and feel the way you have always wanted. What if you could burn more calories and have a better metabolism simply by eating more often? How does 5 meals a day sound? The truth is, If you eat smaller meals and eat the right foods, you can actually eat more and lose more weight! It sounds strange, but our bodies are very complex and if you understand your body, you can truly manipulate your metabolism for speedy and sustainable weight loss!
8 Easy Ways to Lose Weight
Lose weight without going on a diet? It's not too good to be true. You don't have to follow a strict diet to get the ball rolling; making these easy but effective changes really can help you lose weight. 1.Learn to Read Labels To lose weight it is essential to pay attention to food labels.Counting calories is impossible without this skill. You should know how to find a food's caloric and its serving size. Comparing labels among different foods and beverages is crucial for making the healthier choices required to lose weight. 2. Snack Amart You can help prevent overeating and maintain blood sugar levels by eating something about every three hours. Getting too hungry will backfire on your efforts to eat healthy and practice portion control. Aim for a healthful, satisfying snack, such as an apple and some reduced-fat cheddar cheese. Eating more may seem counterintuitive, but smart snacking will help you lose weight. 3. Eat More Grains and Produce Whole grain and fruits and veggies do more than provide nutrients that improve your health and reduce disease-risk; they can also help you lose weight. They're naturally low in calories, so you can eat more of them and have less room in your diet for less-than-healthful foods. Plus, the fiber in whole-grain foods and produce will help you feel fuller longer (which helps you control portion and avoid overeating) and as a result, lose weight. 4. Eat Enough, Often Enough One of the worst ways to lose weight? Meal skipping. Many people think skipping meals is a great way to cut calories, but in the end, they fail to lose weight. You'll be more likely to overeat or even binge (when you finally do eat) if you do not eat regular meals. Plus your body may go into "starvation mode" if don't eat enough, causing you to maintain (or even gain) rather than lose weight! 5. Drink Plenty of Water Water helps you lose weight in several ways: If you tend to have a problem with "water weight," drinking more water can help alleviate bloating. Replacing high-cal drinks such as soda with water cuts hundreds of calories. You shouldn't wait until you're feeling thirsty to drink water; thirst can be mistaken for hunger, causing you to overeat. Proper hydration improves your sense of well-being, which will keep up your motivation to lose weight. 6. Get Moving It is virtually impossible to lose weight and keep it off without exercising regularly. Start out today by taking a brisk walk or riding a bike. Work your way up from 10 minutes to 30-40 minutes a day, most days a week, and you could reap health benefits and weight loss results in a matter of weeks. Plus, exercise boosts your metabolism, making it even easier to lose weight. 7. Practice Portion Control Measuring food may seem like a drudgery, but it will prove invaluable in your efforts to lose weight. Start out by comparing a measured standard serving of foods to your typical helping. You may find you usually consume two or even three times the recommended serving. In time you will reprogram your brain to eyeball portion sizes, a key skill for losing weight. 8. Write it Down What's the first thing I think anyone who wants to lose weight should do? Keep a food diary. All you have to do is jot down what, when, and how much you eat in a notebook, or you can do it online at a Web site like Calorie Count Plus. A food diary will give you a clear picture of your current eating habits so you can identify the changes you need to make to lose weight.
Yoga...One way to weight loss
Yoga isn't new. Yoga is ancient. Losing weight also isn't new. Men and women have been tackling weight loss for years. And in a head to head competition, yoga comes out on top. In a recent study, led by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre (FHCRC), the impact of yoga on weight change, independent of other factors such as diet or other types of activity, was measured, monitored and calculated. The study, a first of its kind to measure the effects of yoga on weight, involved 15,500 healthy, middle-aged me and women who filled out written surveys recalling physical activity and yoga along with weight history over a ten-year period of aging 45-55.
While weight gain was noted overall in individuals, FHCRC's Alan R. Kristal, co-author of the study said, "Men and women who were of normal weight at age 45 and regularly practiced yoga gained about three fewer pounds during the test period that those who didn't."
But the physical aspect of yoga isn't the only contributor. The LA Times credits "thin yogis" by anteing up another aspect of the FHCRC study. Titled, "The real reason people who carry yoga mats always look thin," the LA Times credits yogic aspects of mindful eating as the real reason for low weight or weight loss among yogis.
"People who engage in the traditional form of exercise are more in tune with their bodies in general, including at meal times,"says the LA Times.
The article attributes mindful eating as the powerhouse behind the people that practice it.
"Mindful eating people stop eating once they are full, even if delicious food remains on their plates. They try not to let tempting advertisements lure them to food; they avoid eating while they are distracted by a TV show or other diversion; and they don't eat to distract themselves from emotions like stress or sadness," the article says.
The moral of the story?
FHCRC study results suggest that yoga should be recommended for people trying to diet through more traditional means and practice mindful eating to assist with limiting portion sizes and only eating when necessary, co-author Kristal said.
The mental focus required to hold a difficult yoga pose also helps people avoid "eating more even when the food tastes good" or "eating when you're not hungry," Kristal said in a statement.
And while the study beckons readers for its proof that yoga does beat out other traditional means of weight loss strategy, the study also does a favor for yoga. By bringing the mindful eating into the study and into the media, yoga is becoming less of a trend and more of a lifestyle
Weight Loss Tips
Go online and you will find a number of popular and recommended weight loss plans or nutritional foods. Whether you are trying to control your appetite, maintain your diet or eat a completely nutritional balanced meal you will find a weight loss plan that meets you needs. All products have claims that they were made by nutrition experts and having helped millions to see weight loss success and maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, this isn't always the case. Many of the fad diets on the market don't lead to the results you expect. If you are serious about getting and staying in shape then you need a weight loss program in order to have success. This plan should include both quality foods and exercise in order to start looking and feeling your best. After you start a routine of healthy fitness and food you will start to notice changes and look forward to each new day of your life. Exercise is an important part of any weight loss program since losing body fat results is a slower metabolism process and your body can actually turn to cannibalizing the muscle in an effort to keep the metabolism process going. With so many products on the market today offering a variety of claims about dramatic weight loss it can be difficult to choose a product or weight loss plan that actually works. Many of these products don't even work as they claim, but if you don't choose a steady diet and exercise weight loss plan then you will easily regain any pounds you lose. As a result some become so depressed that they actually put on more weight. A part of successful weight loss plans today is hunger control and nutritional weight loss foods. Motivational tools can also help with weight loss success. This is why it is important to keep a journal of your process. Be sure to write down what and how much you eat every time. You should also record how many hours and days a week that you get exercise. This can help you determine where you need to improve and what you need to do more of in order to stay successful with your weight loss plan. Just remember that you need to conservatively cut calories from your diet and don't resort to starving yourself. By setting health weight loss goals you can start living and eating healthy. Exercise is an important part that should be included in every weight loss program. If you are already a gym member or have a workout program then you should keep it up. However, if you haven't started then consider some of the following tips to add physical activity to your daily routine. You don't have to join a gym in order to get in shape. Rather you can try simple tips such as taking a fast walk or slow jog around the house, try shadow boxing, and do some laps up and down stairs or doing simple stretches. All of these options can be excellent ways to burn calories without taking a lot of time.
Lets Learn How to Lose Weight
Unlike many subjects however learning how to lose weight does not require you to learn page after page of formulas and calculations in order to successfully lose those extra pounds. You will not be required to learn complicated procedures that will assist you in shedding your excess pounds quickly and effortlessly.
The first thing you will need to do is to learn how to trust your family doctor. I know, you are sitting in your chair and saying “but I already trust him”. The point here is do you really? You may not be aware of it but overweight conditions are just as much of an illness as the mumps or measles would be. And as such you must accept and respect the opinion of your doctor whether you like what he is saying or not. He should be the final say so on any matters concerning how to lose weight. He is the man in the know that has most of your answers. If you have questions do not hesitate to bring it to his attention. He can and will help you.
Once you and your doctor have determined what your BMI is then the two of you must sit down and determine what a healthy weight range is for your build. This weight range will ultimately serve as your weight lose goal.
Determining a healthy weight range is a rather simple procedure to accomplish. These weight ranges for men generally start at 106 pounds for those that are 5 feet tall. For each inch over 5 feet you should add 6 pounds to your total. Your safe weight range will be 10 percent under or over this figure.
As an example suppose that you are 6 foot tall. You would take the extra 12 inches over 5 feet tall and multiply it by 6 pounds. That would give you 72 pounds. Add this 72 pound figure to the starting point of 106 and you end up with 178 pounds. Now since you can be 10 percent in either direction your weight range will be from 160 pounds to a max of 196.
When you decide how to lose weight and set your weight lose goals make sure that they are realistic in nature. If you are currently weighing in at 320 pounds don’t think for a moment that you can drop your weight down to 200 pounds within a year. Weight loses takes time and patients. Usually dieters tend to fail when they attempt to set goals that they can not achieve. Having any of these unrealistic expectations may perhaps motivate you towards eating less during the initial phases of your program but eventually will result in disappointment and reverting back to overeating. Set sensible weight goals for yourself and don’t set yourself up for failure.
Another potential failure item is time. As we have stated weight lose takes time to accomplish. You can’t learn how to lose weight in a day or two or even a month. In drastic cases it could take over a year. Generally results can be seen within a few months of participation.
A very realistic goal would be to expect to lose one or two pounds per week. You can’t expect to shed those extra 20 pounds before you attend your class reunion in a week unless you plan accordingly. Rapid weight lose is just about impossible and when you do achieve it the problem is that it does not last.
So the key here is to talk your plans over with your doctor and he can be of great help in your initial preparations as well as ongoing guidance.
Eat Natural Healthy Food To Lose Weight Naturally
If you want to lose weight naturally and (sort of) easily then consider eating only natural healthy food instead of "low fat", "light", "sugar free" or other so-called special foods.Natural and organic food works WITH the body, rather than trying to trick or fool it into giving up the pounds.
You may have tried to consume truly inedible food in an attempt to lose weight. You may even recall a horrible diet that required you to ingest a weird item you wouldn’t wish on anyone - be it a magic pill, pre-packaged food that doesn’t taste real, or disgusting chalky shakes. Diet shortcuts and easy fixes are not entirely a bad thing, but often times they don’t give the results that they promise and we spend all of our time searching for the next "magic" product that will get us to our weight loss goal.
But isn’t it true that simplicity often gives us the best result? If you would like your weight loss to be both healthy and permanent, you might want to consider making some lifestyle changes that you can maintain, instead of looking for the quick and easy miracle diet. A natural food diet will bring you everything you want - and more … like glowing health and longevity.
An extremely effective way to accomplish this is by taking a natural approach with your healthy foods diet. You will almost never go wrong if you eat foods that are natural instead of man-made, because they are full of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Drinking lots of water that is clean and filtered, rather than drinks that have chemicals and artificial sweeteners, will keep your body healthy and hydrated. Doing this is harder work than just taking a pill or drinking a shake, but don’t you think your health is worth it?
Of course, you can still overindulge yourself with natural food products, so you need to have a sharp awarness of your body’s wisdom. Taking the natural approach to your diet doesn’t mean you have to cut out all of your favorite foods - the goal is to even out those diet choices with conscious decisions about giving your body nutriton. If you do this you will enjoy long-term health and success, instead of just a quick fix. After all, losing weight naturally is the ONLY strategy that works in the long run.
5 Top Weight Loss Motivation Tips
As a weight loss consultant I teach people many different ways to stay motivated. Just as everyone is different and everyone needs to follow a weight loss plan specifically built for their personal lifestyle everyone finds motivation in different ways. I wanted to share with you my top 5 motivational weight loss tips in hopes that you too will find motivation and apply it to your weight loss plan.
Motivation Tip 1: In order to keep your focus on your desire to lose weight make a list of all the reasons why you want to lose weight. Keep it is plain site, tape it to your mirror in your bathroom and read them each morning when you wake up. If you are in your car a lot and you tend to eat fast food put a copy in your car. Tape it to your steering wheel or visor.
Motivation Tip 2: If you are looking to lose a lot of weight such as 100 pounds. Break out your calendar and set your goals. Be very realistic here. Example your current weight is 190 pounds you ultimate goal is 130. Let’s say it is January 1st set your first goal of 15 pounds then realistically plan for that and give it a date. Say March 5th (this will give you 9 weeks to lose 15 pounds). Set shorter lower mile stones at first to give you momentum then spread it out a little as you go.
Motivation Tip 3: Plan a treat for yourself when you have had a great week. Make it non food related such as get a pedicure, facial, buy some make-up. Anything that will help make you feel even better about yourself and your great progress.
Motivation Tip 4: Take a picture of yourself in a swimsuit or something that will show your body better. Each month on the same date take another picture in the same outfit. Doing this will make you feel great seeing how baggy the outfits gets each month, keep the pictures close by so you can look at them. Best place it to post them on your bathroom mirror, the reason I say that is you will see them every morning and that will remind you to make the best choices you can each day.
Motivation Tip 5: Read inspirational stories of other people who have lost weight. Do read into how they did it just read about their success for what it is success. Every person is different so the plan that someone follows doesn’t mean it will work for anyone. If you hire a weight loss consultant (recommended) ask them to hook you up with other clients for a support group they should be more than happy to do that and the other clients would like it too.
In conclusion there are many ways to find motivation for weight loss. As a consultant I have found that these 5 tips listed above have proven to work for several clients over and over again. Feel free to contact me for more motivational tips if you are looking for additional resources.