Extremely Fast Weight Loss - The Top 4 Foods to Melt Away Lbs Of Fat Easily & Lightning Fast!

By Avy Barnes

If you want to get extremely fast weight loss, then the most important aspect of your plan should be proper nutrition. So, in this article, I'm going to share with you the top 4 foods I highly recommend that you get plenty of if you want to get incredibly fast results... starting today!

Okay my friend, the first thing I would like to talk to you about is what you should stay away from if you want REAL results. Please, take it from me, and avoid those crazy fad diets (low carb, low fat, low calorie, etc.) types of programs you see everywhere. Those unnatural programs do not work and will end up slowing your metabolism down!

Now, here are the top 4 types of foods I highly recommend you add into your diet if you want speedy results:

1.) Protein - Protein is absolutely vital for building, repairing, and maintaining lean muscle tissue. The more muscle you have... the less fat you'll have (muscle burns fat)!! Some of the best foods containing a great amount of protein would be chicken, turkey, beans, yogurt, milk (fat free), and nuts.

2.) Healthy Fat - Yup, you need fat in order to burn fat! Now, I'm not referring to the bad fat such as trans fat or saturated. The type you need would be monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and Omega fatty acids. You can find healthy fat in fish, nuts, olive oil, and more.

3.) Complex Carbs - This is better know as fiber. Fiber will not only help in boosting your metabolism and speeding up fat loss, but will also help you feel more fuller longer. Examples of fiber I recommend are whole grains, beans, dark green veggies.

4.) Vitamins/Minerals - This is an obvious one, but yes, you are going to need your fruits and veggies. The type of fruits I highly recommend are apples (packed with fiber), and blueberries (antioxidants and more). The type of veggies I highly recommend are greener veggies such as broccoli and spinach (high in fiber).

So, if you want extremely fast weight loss, avoid unnatural dieting, eat those 4 foods above, and make sure you naturally boost your metabolism.

Are you ready to lose weight fast and melt away stubborn fat EVERY 11 DAYS?! If yes, then I have a solution...

The most effective, easiest, and quickest metabolism boosting diet that I highly recommend is the Calorie Shifting Diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots. This all natural diet works by manipulating your fat burning hormones by EATING real foods and eating MORE (no starvation or depriving)! The end result is EXTREMELY fast fat loss!

Click http://www.FatLossIn11Days.info to learn more and get started on getting a leaner body in just minutes from now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes


3 Amazing Tricks to Quick Weight Loss

By Tabrez Shareef

These are 3 simple yet effective tips to quick weight loss. If you follow these with persistence there is no reason for complaint as you will quickly lose weight when you see results. There is one thing I always like to mention which is that you should always set goals.

This is probably the most important aspect to your weight loss success and will play a major role in whether you lose weight or gain even more. I don't want to scare you or anything but setting goals is by far the most important of issues in the weight loss scene.

Trick #1: Less Drinks, More Water

Drinks are notorious for carrying high amounts of calories. Quick weight loss is dependent on the amount of calories that is taken. This trick is simple all you have to do is watch what you drink. Don't go around drinking soda or anything else and I want to add that Gatorade also comes under this category. Quick weight loss will depend on the amount of calorie intake into your body and as we want to lose weight quickly we should stay away from these drinks.

Water is by far the most healthy, natural & tasty liquid of all in my mind. Even if you don't like the taste of water then you try to at least agree indirectly that it tastes good. This will help your mind by telling it that it tastes good so you won't have a problem with drinking water.

Trick #2: Eat At The Table

This may sound quite silly to some and in fact some of my students didn't get it in the beginning but after they started to see the results they realized its true potential. Eating your food at the table and in a plate is the way to go for quick weight loss.

When you eat in a plate you are actually conscious of what you are eating. Your brain will recognize you are eating a salad so you know that its healthy. Say you were eating a cake; you started eating at the table because it became your habit. Your brain is more conscious and immediately reminds you to stop. You will stop and take something healthy from the fridge. Yes I know you are saying that's a bunch of baloney, I won't remember at all. Trust me this actually works if you do it.

Trick #3: Recheck Your Foods

Make sure that you read all the labels at the back of any food products that claim to be "Sugar free" because believe it or not but some sugar free products contain more sugar than the original. This is not really sugar but is a substitute to it and can be harmful for you in the long run. The products say its Sugar free because technically it's not sugar but has the same effect.

So after following these 3 simple tricks you would have learned the secret to quick weight loss. I hope you a fit body & a healthy life.

Tabrez has been writing articles online for many years now. Check out his website at http://www.woodencoffeetableschoice.com/ where you can find heaps of information about different types of wooden coffee tables & their manufacturers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tabrez_Shareef