by Troy Corupe
We as humans, are creatures of habit. This can lead to patterns that either serve us or do not serve us. For example, if one developed the habit of eating unhealthy foods, this can lead to low energy, cloudy thinking, and health related issues in the body. On the other side, if a person habitually eats healthy, energizing, and nutritious foods, the can promote high energy, clarity of thinking, and help prevent disease and illnesses in the body.
What is a habit? A habit is an acquired pattern of behaviour that often occurs automatically. Simple repetitive tasks require a time frame of around twenty-one days to condition.
Here is an example. When you walk into the living-room, you "automatically" reach for the light switch on the right side as you enter. Let's say you move to a new house and the living-room is very similar to the previous one where you lived. One difference in this room is the light switch positioned on the left side as you enter. You will find that it will take you about twenty-one days to stop reaching for that light switch on the right side, which doesn't even exist at this new house. You will also find this time frame to be the time your new house will start feeling like "home".
With this knowledge of how habits work in us, you can make a conscious decision to change a behaviour and repeat this new action for a long enough time frame. It's important to not miss a day performing this new behaviour so that a new pattern can be developed. It's amazing how effort in a specific area done over a period of time can transform into effortless habit.
Allow me to give a specific example in the area of eating. Let's say that each night, shortly before going to bed, you go into the kitchen cupboard and reach for the package of cookies. You know this is not serving you well, so it's decided that you'd like to have a healthier snack. Just before bed each night, you now go into the fridge and reach for a piece of fruit. You've succeeded in doing this for well over a month, not missing a day. A new habit is developed and you're eating a healthy snack before bed time!
This practice can be applied to many areas of your life. Two areas that can accelerate your weight loss when it comes to changing habits are exercise and positive thinking. Going to the fitness gym enough days in a row could create this habit for a lifetime. Replacing a negative thought with a positive one can lead to a healthier perspective and better quality of life.
Information just like this will help you to get the weight lost without diets. You can also get instant access to a free report that will teach you how finally eat what you want without dieting.
About the Author
Troy Corupe has been involved in giving seminars and lectures in regards to goal setting and achieving your goals since 1998. He believes that when you actually write your goals on paper and review them each day, remarkable things can happen. Troy also changed his lifestyle from one of eating less healthy foods to eating more healthy foods along with taking vitamin supplements. He loves to share his knowledge with those willing to listen or read.
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