Top 5 Foods You Must Avoid

Here are the top 5 foods I think you must avoid for you to lose weight consistently... and keep it off permanently. A few of these foods may surprise you.

5 Foods to Avoid

1. Bread

The problem with bread is that is spikes up your blood sugar levels. This is horrible for weight loss because you become hungry soon after that. Another thing is that today's bread is processed to death which helps bread get into your blood rapidly. There is almost no effort to digest it.

Note... digesting foods expends a great deal of energy and calories burned while boosting your metabolism. Unless the bread is relatively high in fiber (3 or more grams), don't bother with it.

2. Rice

Just about all rices, especially white rice have been processed to death. Very little nutritional value in them when the manufacturers get done with it. Just like bread, it takes no effort to digest rice. You want a quick digestion process, but not at the expense of shooting up your blood sugar levels.

3. Potato Chips

Do I even have to list the reasons why these are bad? The problem with these is that they're packed with calories without making you feel full. Also, some potato chips on the market still have trans fats in them.

4. Sodas

While technically not a food, I'm throwing it in here. These days, the average American gets over 25% of his or her calories from liquids. Since most of these liquids are packed with sugar, they go straight to your blood and spike your blood sugar levels. I know I'm sounding redundant here about the blood sugar levels, but it's important. Notice the commonality among these?

5. Donuts

High in fat and carbohydrates with virtually no protein... a great combination for getting fat.

Listen, I'm not asking you to eat all fruits and vegetables here. Just avoid those top 5 foods and you should improve your chances to lose weight and be more healthy.

By: Jennifer Jolan

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