The Little Known Secrets to Losing Three Pounds a Week! You'll Be Amazed at the Weight You Lose

By Jennifer Sewell

Are you interested in losing three pounds a week? A goal to lose three pounds every week is a good idea especially for starters.

First of all, it's doable. And secondly, it becomes habitual and you will adopt a lifestyle that naturally makes you drop three pounds a week.

Here are the little known secrets to losing three pounds a week...

Eat Your Breakfasts - Always make sure that you eat a breakfast that is rich in protein and fiber. A perfect example would be oatmeal. When you don't have your breakfast, your body releases certain enzymes that slow down your fat burning process. Moreover these hormones constantly make you feel uncomfortable and imbalance your immune system.

Eat Six Meals A Day - One effective way to boost your body's metabolism is by eating six small meals every day instead of eating the traditional three big meals. You will feel less hungry and you will have more energy. The key is to make this habitual so that your body works to burn fat six times a day.

Cut Down On Sugary Drinks - Colas, Coffee, Alcohol increase the acidic content in your body. Your fat burning is at an optimum level when your body is slightly alkaline. When you intake any of these drinks, the fat burning slows down and the food you consumed is stored as fat.

Exercise Effectively - If you want to lose three pounds a week, you have to exercise in a simple and effective manner. The most effective exercises are fat burning workouts. You don't even have to go to the gym. All you have to do is do exercises like Hindu Squats, Hindu Push Ups, Pull Ups and Ab Crunches along with a bit of cardio for maximum weight loss.

Here's A Sure Shot Trick To Make You Lose Three Pounds Every Week- There is an extremely effective rock solid trick which will make you lose 3 pounds every week by boosting your fat burning process... With no diets, starvation or pills... You will have a sexy body which will make everyone on the beach to stare at you with amazement if you use this trick. I strongly urge you to read this trick on the following page - Click Here.

Jennifer Sewell is a writer and webmaster of the blog Bodylastics.

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