Fat Loss – Ways To Lose 20 Pounds – Updated

We're all familiar with some individuals who appear to find life very easy, and enjoy one victory after another. On the other hand, we know others who never quite make it, and always have an answer why things haven't worked out. Victors and victims make up the world, and attitude is very often the one key factor that makes the difference.

When embarking on a slimming regime, it's critical to take on the outlook of the victor to get your result. A victim will try half-heartedly to lose weight – never actually believing they'll be slim. The victors mentally commit to a successful outcome, and support their actions with feeling.

Visualise the finale of a tennis championship, where the player's attitudes are as follows: The first says "It's my final chance – I'll give it what I can," but the second says "It is my Destiny to WIN." Guess who'll win the tournament?

If we split up the word OAR we have the definition of a victor – someone who takes Ownership of his/her task, is Accountable for their actions and assumes Responsibility for getting it done. 'Bed' can be used to describe a victim who remains in bed because he's given up! B is for blame, E is for excuses and D is for denial.

The victor 'owns' his own tasks, and doesn't hope for someone else to take the lead. He's liable for his actions, and so he takes account of them (seeing things through by dealing with problems not making problems). He's responsible for the results of his actions, and so doesn't take excuses from himself.

The victim always has a reason for not achieving, and it's rarely to do with him or herself. Slip-ups and blunders are never down to him; he assumes no control and so no responsibility. He makes excuses for under-performing, not realising the only person he's convincing is himself. After repeating this cycle of excuses and blame for a while, the victim is in denial. He's absolutely convinced that there isn't anything he can do to change things.

To stack the odds in their favour, a mental work-out may be needed for some dieters approaching a life-changing eating program. Adopting the victim's outlook will prevent a person from controlling the outcome.

Attitudes (both good and bad) are simply habits, and with constant repetition they can be altered. When you're alone with your thoughts, are you thinking like a victim? If the answer is yes, then take control right away. Don't think others are better than you – it's just that some people have fought their demons and come out on top.

"There is no such thing as a hero," as Churchill said, "only those who rise to the occasion." We need to have a winning outlook on life in order to become a winner in the weight-loss arena.

(C) Scott Edwards. Pop over to WeightLossDietWar.com for logical advice on losing weight fast and fat loss diet.