Find Your Strategies Weight Loss Motivation Tips

A Guide To Useful Facts On Weight Loss

It's difficult when you realize that you have to take steps to get to grips with your increasing weight. It can be an awesome task to find the right program to get you started at the weight losing process and to find your weight loss motivation tips.

Every day that goes by, you will hear many, many stories and old wives tales about this program and that product. It is very easy for you or any other person to be baffled. You can be put off from taking the first steps towards finding your weight loss motivation tips for losing that ugly body fat.

The Media are constantly reporting about people's bad experiences with unproven and, indeed, some very risky and outrageous weight losing programs.

Like most folks, I am sure that you are very busy trying to keep up with the everyday demands on your time, so I will attempt to help you. I have prepared an outline of a few basic guidelines about some of the more critical facts about being overweight. I set out some facts about losing weight and how taking action now could benefit you in your future life. This will help you with maintaining your general wellbeing and improve your ongoing health prospects.

•......Dieting is defined as eating food in a regulated manner to control body weight. Invariably, the common perception of dieting is for weight loss for those who are overweight or obese, but diets can also control and maintain a stable body weight. Diets for weight loss are generally described as: low carbohydrate, low fat, low calorie or various combinations of these micronutrients.

•......Weight loss means the reduction in total body mass to improve fitness, health and personal appearance.

•......Weight loss decreases the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, osteoarthritis and certain kinds of cancer.

•......Understanding good dieting practices will be extremely beneficial in reducing the impact of the diabetes disease in particular and other health problems associated with an expanding body line.

•......Crash diets involve voluntary restriction of nutritional intake for 12 hours or more at a time with a goal of losing a substantial amount of weight in a short space of time. This is not recommended as good practice, as the body reacts by preserving fat stores, while burning off lean muscle tissue instead, thus defeating the purpose of the whole exercise.

•......There is an unending list of programs and products promising to make weight loss easier, quicker, cheaper, more reliable or less painful. These take the form of hardcopy books, e-books, CDs, crèmes, lotions, pills, rings, ear-rings, body wraps, body belts, and other materials, not forgetting weight loss groups, fitness centers, food products, dieting supplements, herbal remedies and, last but not least, individual personal coaching.

•......Body Mass Index (BMI) is the widely used methodology for estimating body fat mass and has been in use since the 19th centaury. BMI is calculated by dividing a subject's body weight by the square of his or her height and together with a subject's age and gender; this can be used to estimate the percentage of body fat to within 4%, which can be used to classify the category of a subject's body weight.

•......The World Health Organization published values in 2000 reflecting the common definitions of body mass categories which are shown in the following table:


Underweight......................Up to 18.5%
Normal Weight..................18.5% to 24.9%
Overweight.......................25.0% to 29.9%
Class 1 Obesity.................30.0% to 34.9%
Class 2 Obesity.................35.0% to 39.9%
Class 3 Obesity.................Over 40.0%

Having read and studied the data outlined above, I think that you must agree with me that they contain many reasons for you to find out more about how to get started with reducing the fat from your body and use your weight loss motivation tips as soon as possible.